Blick vom Französischen Domturm nach Süden zum Deutschen Dom auf dem Gendarmenmarkt


Blick vom Französischen Domturm nach Süden zum Deutschen Dom auf dem Gendarmenmarkt

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Tyskland Tyskland > Berlin
The steadily growing population of Friedrichstadt prompted Elector Friedrich III. In 1700, the southern Karree on Mohrenstrasse, on which the Swiss churchyard already exists, available for the establishment of a church for the German-reformed and Lutheran community. In 1701 the foundation stone for the building designed by Martin Grünberg, the inauguration of the five -corner building with semi -circuit sapsids on the sides takes place in 1708. The execution of a tower on the west side of the new or Friedrichstadt church is removed due to lack of money. After the establishment of the comedy house and a number of magnificent town houses in the immediate vicinity of the Gendarmenmarkt, Frederick II 1780 Karl von Gontard commissioned to carry out a concise tower stem on the grounds of the lifted cemetery to beautify the church and the square. After the collapse of the construction in 1781, Georg Christian Unger took over the continuation of the work until its completion in 1785.
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 10/11/2019 16:49

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