2-я Херсонська Маріїнсько-Олександрівська жіноча гімназія


2-я Херсонська Маріїнсько-Олександрівська жіноча гімназія

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Ukraine Ukraine > Kherson Oblast > Херсонський район > Kherson
The Kherson Mariinsko-Alexander Women's Gymnasium in 1854 was founded by the sisters of Gosadinov. The famous activities of the Folk Enlightenment of Sophia, Maria and Elena were from the noble family, of which the Crimean War forced to relocate from Simferopol in Kherson in 1854. Pension transformation to a private gymnasium occurred in 1864, and after three years, a public status was obtained. In 1868, the building of the gymnasium was erected on the site of the former barracks of the gendarme division for private donation of citizens. In 1885, a female gymnasium by the decision of the Ministry of National Education in honor of the name of the Empress Maria Alexandrovna received the name of Mariinsko-Alexandrovskaya. Which was the main incentive of the Kherson provincial rule in the construction of a new building, the corresponding name of the Empress.
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