North-China Daily News, old building


North-China Daily News, old building

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Kina Kina > Huangpu District > Huangpu District
This photo was republished in 1930, by the 80th anniversary of the newspaper.
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206 billeder

圣圣女贞德学院/圣学院露丝·杜默(Ruth Doumer)的圣女贞德外滩汇丰银行及海关/中国香港银行及海关联合大楼西藏路C.L.舞厅/西藏饭店旅馆法国水塔/法国特许水塔大京寺在城墙上

Nærliggende billeder

罗伯特·哈特爵士铜像前的人们外滩上的North-China每日新闻大楼(右)中央银行被士兵包围外滩台湾银行外滩卡车外滩摊贩North-China Daily News, old building下雪了,在外滩人力车加农炮为庆祝乔治王子的诞辰/加农炮致敬台风的愤怒!

Foto offentliggjort på
 07/11/2020 17:20

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