Ақмола. Ленин ескерткішінің ашылуы


Ақмола. Ленин ескерткішінің ашылуы

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Kasakhstan Kasakhstan > Nur-Sultan > район "Сарыарка" > Nur-Sultan
The first monument appeared here in 1928, in the square of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, near the mass grave of the fighters for Soviet power. It was a 2 meter plaster figure of Lenin in full growth on a brick stucco pedestal about the same height. The figure was covered with black lacquer paint, pedestal - gray. The fragility of the material (sculpture began to collapse quickly), badly chosen location (away from the area where you would normally hold meetings, public demonstrations) was forced to dismantle the monument. Unfortunately, his photographs have not survived.
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912 billeder

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 04/01/2019 14:45

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