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Kina Kina > Shanghai > Yangpu District
Chaoyang Department Store has been closed and has not yet opened. The Blue Sky Hotel has just been built, and most of its original features are still preserved.
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156 billeder

花园桥和苏州河/苏州河上的桥正在建设中的中国银行/ 1936年建造的银行大楼阿斯特豪斯酒店/苏州河对岸阿斯特酒店法国租界中的Magy公寓/“ Magi”公寓花园桥和苏州河/桥下的苏州河上的桑潘斯

Nærliggende billeder

董丹妮家Shanghai City Police Station 市中心区警察所街头灯的安装新城市淞沪路变压所Site of the Civic CenterWujiaochang construction site上海的街道中国航空集团公司,上海城市体育场上海公司办公室前面的Wujioochang限制

Foto offentliggjort på
 30/12/2020 00:08

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