Street in the native Chinese city


Street in the native Chinese city

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Kina Kina > Huangpu District > Huangpu District
Possibly Fuyou Road?
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135 billeder


Nærliggende billeder

中国古城福佑路/扶余路街余花园馆和方形池塘,从小世界的屋顶看到Street market on Fuyou Road, near the north wall of Yu Garden小世界娱乐中心/“小世界”娱乐中心Fuyou Road, near Small WorldFuyou Road near Yuyuan GardenNative City, Shanghai豫园,假山1965年旧城区的街头场景街道在上海寨城

Foto offentliggjort på
 31/03/2020 12:26

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