Eesti kommunistliku partei keskkomitee ehitamine


Eesti kommunistliku partei keskkomitee ehitamine

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Estland Estland > Tallinn > Tallinn
Tallinnate of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Estonia. 1968 Architectors M. Port, O. Konchaeva, R. Karp.3 Cop. Tallinarchitectural postcards of the postcard 147x106 mm format of the picture 140x98 mm (C) Aurora Art Publishers, Leningrad, 1980. Publishing House "Aurora", Leningrad, 1980 Communications - 16 cards. Artist N. Kutova. Photographer V. Savik. Editor I. Bugakov. Art editor S. Malakhov. Technical editor V. Klenov. M13481. 05/21/80. Ed. Nº 2352. circulation 90 000. Price 53 kopecks. Order 3949.2121211. LPTO "Printing Court". Printed in the USSRT / 80205-555 / 023 (01) -80 / 72-79
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Foto offentliggjort på
 10/10/2022 06:30

© V. Savik
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