Kaiser-Wilhelm Schule (German School), new building


Kaiser-Wilhelm Schule (German School), new building

1 1 

Kina Kina > Jing'an District > Jing'an District
Architect K. H. Suhr. To locate the building on the northeast corner of the lot, the Iltis monument had to be moved closer to the church (out of frame, right).
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141 billeder


Nærliggende billeder

Kaiser-Wilhelm Schule (German School), new buildingGerman Church, students' marchKaiser Wilhelm-Schule (German School), entrance新福音派教堂(德国路德教会)Iltis纪念碑搬到德国学校的领土后德国教区大厅德国教区大厅与Kaiser-Wilhelm学校Lutheran Church in ShanghaiSoviet delegation visiting the Children's PalacePupils playing in the yard of the German School (Kaiser-Wilhelm Schule)

Foto offentliggjort på
 12/11/2019 19:29

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