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Kina Kina > Jing'an District
Associated Press. [Photograph 2012.201.B0224.0160], photograph, November 20, 1937 accessed August 12, 2021), The Gateway to Oklahoma History, crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.
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199 billeder

南京路邵万生食品店/邵王生食品店F. M. C.的旧楼/法国领事馆的法国政府旧楼乔佛尔大街鸟瞰图/法国租界中心鸟瞰图道默(Route Doumer)和保罗·亨利(Route Paul Henry)街角Del Monte在Van Shing商店中展示/法国特许商店

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 15/11/2017 13:03

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