Innenansicht der Französisch-reformierten Kirche auf dem Gendarmenmarkt mit Blick auf die Kanzel


Innenansicht der Französisch-reformierten Kirche auf dem Gendarmenmarkt mit Blick auf die Kanzel

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Tyskland Tyskland > Berlin
In 1861 the church needed a thorough repair, the costs of which were 10422 Thlr. were estimated. [...] The conversion was carried out by the court and carpenter Barraud. Although real Calvinistic unadornlessness, like all the French churches, characterizes this restored church, the conversion has been led with a high taste, and the interior of the church cannot miss a beneficial impression. The organ and the pulpit were only renovated, while the church was tastefully provided with gas lighting and heating devices. On December 22, 1861, the inauguration of the restored church took place by Mr. Prediger Andrié ... "From: Eduard Muret, History of the French colony in Brandenburg-Prussia, with special consideration of the Berlin community. On the occasion of the two hundred year celebration on October 29 1885, Berlin 1885, page 133.
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 05/12/2020 01:25

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