ресторан "Олень"



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Den Russiske Føderation Den Russiske Føderation > Central Federal District > Moscow
Timbered tower on the banks of Deer Pond (in my day it was called the top, because the bottom is to the right, downstream of the stream), which houses the famous and popular among the cultural elite of 20-30 years the restaurant "Deer" .There played gypsy ensemble, and even sometimes sang the famous Lala Black (from the memoirs of eyewitnesses) is also very popular this place and enjoyed the criminal authorities of vremeni.Udachnoe location in a quiet wooded area, away from prying eyes and convenient ways to undetectable disappearance, has always attracted the local ruffians and karmannikov.Pozzhe there is located a one-day holiday house, dance school and biblioteka.Let 10 years ago, the building is destroyed by fire.
Kommentarer (2)


niki_gg 12/01/2021 18:56

Ничего не слышно.


kseniyator 14/03/2021 00:13

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 01/03/2020 09:27

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