Выстава ўзораў трафейнага ўзбраення


Выстава ўзораў трафейнага ўзбраення

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Hviderusland Hviderusland > Minsk
Exhibition of armaments, military equipment, weapons, engineering and Quartermaster property of Hitler's army. It existed from 1944 to 1947 and was placed on the ground near the rear facade of the District Red Army House (House Officers BVI). The exhibition included: planes, tanks, self-propelled artillery, armored personnel carriers, vehicles, guns and mortars, and other equipment and weapons of the enemy, captured by the Red Army in the battles for the liberation of Belarus in June-July 1944. At the entrance to the exhibition stood the Soviet T-34 tank as a symbol of power of the weapons of the Red Army. Now it is set on a pedestal in the House of Officers BVI.
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 22/12/2019 17:29

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