Jägerstraße 21, Ansicht der Preußischen Seehandlung von Nordwesten


Jägerstraße 21, Ansicht der Preußischen Seehandlung von Nordwesten

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Tyskland Tyskland > Berlin
On the corner of the Gendarmenmarkt, Friedrich Wilhelm I had a representative two -storey building through Konrad Wiesend in 1735 at his own expense as a neighborhood for royal officials and employees of the farm. In 1740 the king gave the "Domestikenhaus" to the Minister of State August Friedrich von Boden. Since 1777, the "Seehandlungs-Compagnie", which was founded five years earlier, has been housed in the privately owned building. ANTIKACHRONDED Central Risalite and thereby emphasized. The long side on Markgrafenstraße, on the other hand, only shows two narrow risalites with pilasters and is more functional overall. Since architecture and premises no longer appear up to date in 1901-03, a new building for the Prussian state bank emerged from the sea touch Decided and demolished the old building despite public protests.
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 04/04/2021 09:56

© Friedrich Albert Schwartz
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