Die teuerste Brücke der Welt


Die teuerste Brücke der Welt

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Tyskland Tyskland > Baden-Württemberg > Landkreis Konstanz > Singen (Hohentwiel)
World's most expensive bridge.A sign on the bridge references the incredible price of the bridge: 1,520,940,901,926,024 Deutschmarks. That’s 1,500 trillion marks.The bridge, completed in 1923, takes the name of Joseph Victor von Scheffel, a German writer who will forever be associated with the glorified concrete slab.While one might suspect pork barrelling or crafty accounting as a reason for the astonishing cost – or perhaps a trick to reel in the tourists to the otherwise unassuming village of Singen – the cost is in fact real.The high price is a consequence of the out of control post-World War One inflation which hit Germany, where money almost completely lost its value.
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425 billeder

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 05/03/2019 07:35

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