Shanghai Industrial Exhibition Hall 上海市工业展览馆


Shanghai Industrial Exhibition Hall 上海市工业展览馆

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Kina Kina > Jing'an District > Jing'an District
Former Moller Villas visible in the back, through the columns.
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239 billeder


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1978年6月上海工业展览会中苏友谊宫尼克松访问中苏友谊堂西门子在上海展览中苏友好中心/宫苏友好中国众议院中苏友谊Sino-Soviet Friendship Centre during construction正在建设中苏友好中心/建设苏中友好宫中苏友好中心/苏中友好宫雕塑在苏友好中国的宫殿

Foto offentliggjort på
 14/05/2019 15:10

© Paul Pickowicz
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