Žatec. Оbřadní síň na židovském hřbitově, vstup na židovský hřbitov (obřadní síň vlevo)


Žatec. Оbřadní síň na židovském hřbitově, vstup na židovský hřbitov (obřadní síň vlevo)

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Tschechische Republik Tschechische Republik > Northwest > Ústecký kraj > Žatec
It has a new roof. In 1869, the Jewish community built its own cemetery in what was then Trnovanská street (today Pražská) on a total area of 3,200 m². In 1880, an apartment was set up for the gravedigger, and in 1902, a mortuary was built thanks to Sofia and Leopold Bechert. – In 1939, the cemetery was "liquidated", the tombstones were cut down, the more valuable ones were sold and taken away from Žatec. After the liberation, the Jewish community repaired it as much as possible. During the communist era, the Jewish cemetery completely fell into disrepair. The house was rented to a cottager who raised poultry in the cemetery. – Only in the 1990s, when the Teplice Jewish Community, under which the Žateck region now falls, took over the cemetery, did the situation change. In 2004, the cemetery was ceremonially opened on the occasion of the millennium celebrations. There is a symbolic memorial to the victims of the Holocaust in the area.
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Žatec. Оbřadní síň na židovském hřbitověŽatec. Кostel sv. Jana KřtiteleŽatec. Кostel sv. Jana KřtiteleŽatec. Кostel sv. Jana KřtiteleŽatec. Кapucínský klášterŽatec. Кapucínský klášterŽatec. Кapucínský klášterŽatec. Кapucínský klášterŽatec. Кapucínský klášterŽatec. Кapucínský klášter

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 28/09/2021 18:36

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