Nach einem Luftangriff


Nach einem Luftangriff

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Deutschland Deutschland > Berlin
Goebbels’s diary, March 14, 1945, is quoted here as saying: “The bombing raid that evening was especially fatal for me personally, because the bomb fell into our ministry. As a result of the bombing, the beautiful building on Wilhelmstrasse was completely destroyed. The Throne Room, the Blue Gallery and the theater’s newly rebuilt theater turned into a pile of ruins. I immediately go to the ministry and examine the damage caused. My heart aches at the sight of how such a unique piece of art was completely leveled to the ground in a matter of seconds It’s like building art, how much work it cost us to build a theater hall and restore the throne room and the blue gallery! We carefully handled every piece of wall painting and every piece of furniture! And now it’s all destroyed. in the ruins there is a fire, which poses the greatest danger, since 500 faustpatrons lie under the burning debris.
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 16/03/2019 14:49

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