Віленскі чыгуначны вакзал і помнік ахвярам Курлаўскага расстрэлу


Віленскі чыгуначны вакзал і помнік ахвярам Курлаўскага расстрэлу

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Belarus Belarus > Minsk
Photography captures the beginning of the station reconstruction of the building when he was to build on the second floor: in such a station existed until the late 30's, when the old building was demolished and built the third in a row (the first was wooden): which is more or less survived war, the Nazis used as intended and significantly damaged during the liberation of the city in July 1944. In the years 1944-1946 the building was restored, some reconstructed and lasted until 1991. It's one of the few photos of documentary evidence of the monument to the victims of the execution of labor demonstrations during the Revolution in 1905 on the orders of the governor of the city Kurlova. Monument existed at Railway Square until about mid-30s.
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 07/11/2017 08:24

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