Das Gebäude der Französischen Gemeinde, Niederlagstraße 3-1


Das Gebäude der Französischen Gemeinde, Niederlagstraße 3-1

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Deutschland Deutschland > Berlin
In 1689, Elector Friedrich III. The founding certificate for the Collège Francais, three years later, the school of the French community can move from Stralauer Straße to Niedlagstraße No. 1 (right) and take up its operation. The two adjacent houses were purchased and set up in 1770 for the inclusion of a preacher seminar and the consistory.1786 the front houses are converted at the expense of Frederick II and provided with a coordinated street front. In 1872, the German Crown Prince bought the entire complex, including the rear building for the adjacent crown prince's palace. The French high school moved to a new building in Dorotheen-Straße 41. The house in Niedlagstraße 1 has been destroyed in the war No. 2 and 3 were demolished in 1960.
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 10/08/2021 00:32

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