Ош. Сулейман тоосунун этегиндеги эски шаардын көрүнүшү


Ош. Сулейман тоосунун этегиндеги эски шаардын көрүнүшү

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Kirgisistan Kirgisistan > Osh City
"G. Osh. General view of the old city from Suleiman Mountain” The photograph, however, was taken not from the top (from the observation deck at the “Babur House”), but from the lower part of the eastern end of the massif. Direction to the northeast. When comparing the photographs, you can notice common details: Comparative view in GE with both photographs and the marked bed of Ak-Bura: About the dates. In the source, the author’s photographs refer to different periods, but judging by the fact that the photograph at “Babur’s House” shows pilgrims from Kashgar, this series most likely dates back to pre-revolutionary times.
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Ош. Сулейман тоосунун этегиндеги эски шаардын көрүнүшүСулайман тоосунан түндүк-чыгышка чейин көрүүМузей под горой Сулайман-тооКолукту үйүКолукту үйүСобордук мечит татаалдыгы, Рават АбдуллаханOutside the museum, pleasing Solomon MountainEntrance to the museum under a mountain of Sulaiman-TooOsh. The mausoleum Asaf ibn BurhiyaБоз үй формасында

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 15/04/2019 07:27

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