View from Medhurst Apartments


View from Medhurst Apartments

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China China > Jing'an District > Jing'an District
Storefronts on the opposite side of the street, left to right: 879 – Yong Zang Tailor881 – Freeman Co.883 – Bakerite Co and Chocolate Shop (with canopy)887–889 – Arts & Crafts893 – Dombey & Son.
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茂名路鸟瞰图Central Mansions, seen from Medhurst ApartmentsView from Medhurst Apartments闸北被大火吞噬的景象冒泡井路上的警察葬礼游行副检查员约翰·克劳利的葬礼警察丧葬游行通过中国车库闸北被大火吞噬的景象警察丧葬游行通过中国车库美国工程公司中国

Foto veröffentlicht auf
 15/03/2018 11:01

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