Подпольная типография 1905-1906 г


Подпольная типография 1905-1906 г

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Russische Föderation Russische Föderation > Moscow > Tverskoy District
This building is now a museum in it authentically reproduced atmosphere of the early 20th century. Then, as now, it was located near Butyrskaya prison. Swarmed around the police and gendarmes. Under most of the nose, under the cover of wholesale shops Caucasian fruits, underground printing press worked. It has not been a failure, and quietly slipped into another mesto.Dom on Forest was chosen. It stands on the site of the ravine, where the brook. Then the stream taken into the reservoir, but he remained troubled neighbor. Regularly water level rose and threatened to flood the cellars. To control the water level in the basement was dug viewing kolodets.Podpolschiki used well to accommodate the printing press. Was dug otnorok where worked typesetters and printers. printing products exported in boxes fruktami.Muzey was opened here in 1924. The re-establishment of the situation involved the direct participants in the events
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Fotos aus der Nähe

Лесная улицаЛесная улица у 1-й Миусской. Восстание 1905 годаЛесная улица, дом 22/24Пересыльная тюрьма в Москве, угол Лесной улицыКазенный винный складМиусский трамвайный парк и его работникиЛесная улица. Казенные винные складыУ 4-го троллейбусного паркаРазбитый при обстреле корпус Миусского трамвайного паркаДворик на Новолесной улице

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 21/08/2020 16:00

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