Way Lake. Kaplan-balls with Pass This


Way Lake. Kaplan-balls with Pass This

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Kirgisistan Kirgisistan > Osh Region > Kablan-Kyol
To be specific to the name added about pereval.Snimok made in the upper valley of the river Archa-bak, right tributary Kurshab, half a kilometer from the lake. View toward the pass (he can not be seen) about the north-zapad.
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203 Fotos

Фрунзе. Ленинский проспектШакафтар. Запруда на реке Сумсар у Киевская-Советская магазин Шакафтар. Рабочий посёлок.Фрунзе. Республиканская библиотека им. Чернышевского

Fotos aus der Nähe

View of the lake. Kaplan-kulView of the lake. Kaplan-kulSuch a descent PervanRoad to the lane. ThisSuch pass. countryside views on the way to the lake. Kaplan-KulThe descent from the lane. Chil-BelThe pass Chel-BellePlot Pamir Highway near LangarPlot Pamir Highway near LangarGorge Gillis. The road to the pass Chyyyrchyk

Foto veröffentlicht auf
 23/03/2020 17:58

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