Lyon - La nouvelle Gare des Brotteaux


Lyon - La nouvelle Gare des Brotteaux

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France France > Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes > Métropole de Lyon > Lyon
The old station building Brotteaux (gare des Brotteaux) in Lyon was built in 1859 and demolished in 1904. The new station building, shown in the photo, was opened in 1908, still exists today, but since 1983 is not used for receiving and sending passazhirov.Vopros to experts of car for more accurate dating
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Photo published on
 October 9, 2018 at 01:33 PM

© Unknown
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Old photos of Lyon,Old photographs of Lyon,Old images of Lyon,Old snapshots of Lyon,Old panoramic views of Lyon,Old prints of Lyon