Ругадя Анжанск. Уѣда. Кишлак Арыслани-Боба


Ругадя Анжанск. Уѣда. Кишлак Арыслани-Боба

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Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan > Jalal-Abad Region > Arslanbob
The modern large village of Arslanbop, a popular tourist destination, is located in the Jalalabad region of Kyrgyzstan. A picture is made with a horn over the way to the River Arstabup (below in the foreground) of a small left tributary . View up the Valley of Arstrabap is about west. In the background, Western sings of the babash-ata massif. Foundation "Album Valentine Alexandrovich Tresvytsky".
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Photo published on
 April 28, 2020 at 09:15 PM

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