Landsberger Straße 64


Landsberger Straße 64

1 1 

Germany Germany > Berlin
House 64 is marked on the old map: the former Landsbergerstrasse did not coincide with the direction of the current Otto Brown Strasse: both streets started a little south of Georgenkirche, but the first went almost strictly east (now the former street is completely built up with houses), and the second now goes along the former residential neighborhoods to the northeast (clearly visible in: Julius Kohte, Alt-Berlin, Bauwerke in Berlin und Charlottenburg, aufgenommen 1907-1914)
Comments (1)


ernst_55 December 6, 2018 at 05:06 AM

Welche Erinnerungen...

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Photo published on
 November 4, 2018 at 04:30 AM

© Hugo Meyer
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