Скатертный переулок. Особняк Кашиных (вариант nº2)


Скатертный переулок. Особняк Кашиных (вариант nº2)

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Russian Federation Russian Federation > Moscow > Arbat District
Series - Architecture. Style - Modern. Mansion (Skaterny lane, nº20) rebuilt from an earlier building in 1900 by the architect Ivan Fomin. Before the revolution, he lived in the house of the teacher and N.Kashiny, whose wife was the prototype of Anna Snegina. Sergey Yesenin visited several times in this house. In the 1920s, the house was demolished when the punching directions for the new part of the Lesser Rzhevsky alley
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Photo published on
 December 5, 2016 at 02:20 AM

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