ул. Варварка (Разина)


ул. Варварка (Разина)

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Russian Federation Russian Federation > Moscow > Moscow
Barbarian Street (formerly named Razin in 1933 in memory of the leader of the peasant uprising of 1670-1671 GG. Stepan Razin). The street is one of the oldest Moscow's thoroughfares even in XII-XIII centuries. Here, along the edge of the hill, a road from the Kremlin 'to Vladimir, winding streets of the line indicates the road. For the first time mentioned in the street Vladimir chronicler 1434 under the name Varskaya.Tochnoe origin of the old street name is not set. Academician MN Tikhomirov believed that it comes from the word "cooking", denotes some duties of the population, but it is possible that the name is associated with the Church of Barbara, located at the beginning of ulitsy.Varvarka as one of the main highways of Moscow, in the XVI century. It was paved for ease of travel logs and was called "barbaric bridge." At the intersection BARBAROUS sacrum - there was a special chapel in which resulted kissing the cross (inauguration) people declared and royal Patriarshiye decrees
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Photo published on
 October 3, 2019 at 08:39 AM

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