Базар-Курган Лѣсны


Базар-Курган Лѣсны

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Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan > Jalal-Abad Region > Гумхана
The picture was made at the Lower Lake, located on the right terrace of the Arstabup River in the village of Humhan kilometers in 4 below the Arslanbob. View of about north. In the background, the eastern sneakers of the Babash-Ata array of GE
Comments (1)


alikhan_ra November 10, 2021 at 06:27 AM

Бул абдан табыгый көрүнүш

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Photo published on
 September 11, 2020 at 04:25 AM

© Valentine Alexandrovich Tresvyatsky
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