Gezicht op het station Oosterbeek Laag van de Staatsspoorwegen


Gezicht op het station Oosterbeek Laag van de Staatsspoorwegen

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Netherlands Netherlands > Gelderland > Oosterbeek
Oosterbeek Laag (abbreviated as "Ob") - the former railway station, located in Oosterbeek on the railway line Arnhem - Neymegen. Stantsiya is 2 km from the station of Arnhem and has been used since June 15, 1879 on May 15, 1938 Today, the former station building is ordinary residential house. Station Oosterbeek Hoog, located on the railway line Arnhem - Utrecht, is still used today and is known as the former Oosterbeek. Na station scheduled to open a new station - "Arnhem Business Park". In 2012, it was decided to cancel the plan.
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Photo published on
 January 15, 2020 at 05:53 AM

© Unknown
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