Көше қиылысында Жас Communards және пролетарлық


Көше қиылысында Жас Communards және пролетарлық

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Kazakhstan Kazakhstan > Медеуский район > Almaty
Southwest corner of the junction of the Young Kommunarov (now - Alimzhanova) and Proletarskoy (now - Zenkova). In 1973-75 years the Young Communards street section between the streets of Pushkin and March 8 was built up Central Market buildings and confectionery factory.
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Photo published on
 February 20, 2020 at 01:42 AM

© Eugene Vasyakin
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Old photos of Almaty,Old photographs of Almaty,Old images of Almaty,Old snapshots of Almaty,Old panoramic views of Almaty,Old prints of Almaty