Alkmaar. Hof van Sonoy op de hoek Gedempte Nieuwesloot en Lombardsteeg


Alkmaar. Hof van Sonoy op de hoek Gedempte Nieuwesloot en Lombardsteeg

1 1 

Netherlands Netherlands > North Holland > Alkmaar
Approximate date in the source 1910/1940.
Comments (2)


cornelhurt May 2, 2020 at 01:28 AM

Who's coming with me there?


kostyan_teen October 8, 2020 at 08:17 PM


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Photo published on
 March 31, 2020 at 05:40 PM

© Unknown
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Old photos of Alkmaar,Old photographs of Alkmaar,Old images of Alkmaar,Old snapshots of Alkmaar,Old panoramic views of Alkmaar,Old prints of Alkmaar