Demonstration in der Straße Unter den Linden


Demonstration in der Straße Unter den Linden

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Germany Germany > Berlin > Berlin
In addition, with great coverage of the frame. On November 1918, the revolutionary and antimonarchical movement reached its peak in Berlin. The workers quit work and joined the multi-dimensional demonstrations. Now they also put forward political demands such as the renunciation of the emperor and transformation of the monarchy to the Democratic Republic. (Source: "Die Revolution Erreicht Berlin: Der Matrose Johann Marx (Vorn, Mit Roter Fahne) Führte Am 9. November 1918 Einen DemonstrationSzug Unter Den Linden An. "Die größte aller Revolutionen hat wie ein plötzlich losbrechender Sturmwind das kaiserliche Regime mit allem, was oben und unten dazu gehörte, gestürzt", schrieb Theodor Wolff, Chefredakteur des liberalen "Berliner Tageblatts", am 10. November 1918".Moryak Johann Marx Headed a demonstration with the Red Flag. A painted photo -
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Photo published on
 August 21, 2020 at 02:30 AM

© Unknown
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Old photos of Berlin,Old photographs of Berlin,Old images of Berlin,Old snapshots of Berlin,Old panoramic views of Berlin,Old prints of Berlin