Гадзіннікавая вежа Іезуіцкага калегіума


Гадзіннікавая вежа Іезуіцкага калегіума

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Belarus Belarus > Minsk
Clock Tower Jesuit College in Liberty Square. Collegium itself was founded in the beginning of the XVIII century and at the same time when it was built the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The building of the Collegium (later City Duma) has survived wars and fires damaged during the last war, however, in this respect, more fortunate Cathedral than collegium, in the early 50's it was demolished. As can be seen here in the photo of the building gone, leaving only the clock tower, which is also so it will be demolished. Now at this point the building 50s construction which houses the French Embassy.
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Photo published on
 March 11, 2020 at 07:51 PM

© Gennady Dubovatko
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