Blick in die Wilhelmstraße mit dem Reichsamt des Innern in der Nr. 75


Blick in die Wilhelmstraße mit dem Reichsamt des Innern in der Nr. 75

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Germany Germany > Berlin
"In the Wilhelmstraße, which was created in the expansion of Friedrichstadt in 1706, several noble palaces were created with extensive gardens after 1736. In the 19th century, numerous ministries of the Prussian state settled here and after 1871 Reichsprache. 74 (in the middle), was bought by the Treasury in 1799 and was used one after the other by the Prussian judicial department, the State Ministry, from 1867 by the Chancellery of the North German Federation and since 1871 by the Reich Chancellery. from 1878 by adoption W. von Mörner), in which the front building is increased by a second floor. In the central axis, the figure of Germania rises above the main cornice with the coat of arms. Reduced again and expanded. From 1920, the Federal Foreign Office will use the building In addition to the already existing Wilhelmstraße 76/75 complex (left in the incision).
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Photo published on
 August 1, 2022 at 07:36 AM

© Friedrich Albert Schwartz
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