Die Friedrich-Werdersche-Kirche an der Nordseite des Werderschen Marktes


Die Friedrich-Werdersche-Kirche an der Nordseite des Werderschen Marktes

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Germany Germany > Berlin
The Werdersche Markt originally forms the center of the first planned city expansion Friedrichswerder, which was oriented from north to south under the great elector under the great elector. The irregular facility and the confines of the square cause Karl Friedrich Schinkel to adapt the new building of the Friedrichswerder church of this urban situation and to carry them out in 1824-31 in “medieval style” as a neo-Gothic brick building. A single -nave nave, which covers a flat gable roof, joins the double tower facade oriented to the south. The door of the main portal is wearing medallions with iron casting reliefs by Friedrich Tieck (Schinkelmuseum since 1987). On the left, a residential and commercial building built in 1867 flanked the church (war ruin1959). Right on the corner of Werderscher Markt 4/ Niederlagstraße 5 a commercial building built around 1800 with a later blown up facade (demolition between 1966 and 69).
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Photo published on
 March 25, 2022 at 08:34 AM

© Friedrich Albert Schwartz
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