Вул. Леніна


Вул. Леніна

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Ukraine Ukraine > Sevastopol
3-storey house Wetzel (Catherine, 8) after World War II survived. Now this building city state administration. Wetzel house was built in the late '80s-early' 90s of the last century. Part of the premises rented house. Here in the late 19th - early 20th centuries housed the branch of the Moscow International Trade Bank, millinery shop, drugstore A.Kambura, shop military dress Gladkova.N.N.Vettsel - old resident of Sebastopol, hereditary honorary citizen. He was repeatedly elected a vowel Sevastopol city council, the secretary of the committee of trustees of Sevastopol prison.
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Photo published on
 August 25, 2019 at 03:27 PM

© V.G. Slutsky
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