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Kazajistán Kazajistán > Almaty Region > Райымбекский район
In the original: Khan Tengri North Face, Tien Shan.Na photos North Face in shadow, illuminated by the eastern wall. Right (west) peeps Chapayeva peak (6371) in the same-ridge Tengry Tau.Sudya the slope at the proximal plane to the left and the ratio of the heights of relief elements picture is made with ridge Sarydzhaz (north of Tengry Tau through Northern Inilchek Glacier) near pass Karlytau (5350) (between the peaks of 5450 and 5761) .Vysota Khan Tengri (the King of Spirits) of the General Staff 6995, but then it "sdelali "seven thousand (7010), citing the fact that on the top of a snow-ice surcharge. I doubt it so, in general, GPS 6972, just 7000 meters altitude abroad is an additional prestige in mountaineering. But the mountain is really beautiful.
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Foto publicada el
 8 de junio de 2020 a las 21:07

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