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China China > Jing'an District
“As every year, Bubbling Well, just opposite the cemetery, is transformed into a temporary forest, as Christmas trees of all sizes and in various price brackets are being offered. Business yesterday was far from brisk. Picture shows the array of the Shanghai version of the traditional pine.”
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156 fotos

花园桥和苏州河/苏州河上的桥正在建设中的中国银行/ 1936年建造的银行大楼阿斯特豪斯酒店/苏州河对岸阿斯特酒店法国租界中的Magy公寓/“ Magi”公寓花园桥和苏州河/桥下的苏州河上的桑潘斯

Fotos cercanas

圣诞杉树集市静安寺前的商店/井和济南寺入口处的商店静安寺冒泡Tram passing on Bubbling Well Road // 上海静安涌泉起泡的好路冒泡井附近的冒泡井路冒泡和静安寺静安寺年度花篮交易会路人看着里面冒泡的井在街上的广告牌

Foto publicada el
 2 de diciembre de 2019 a las 02:57

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Fotos antiguas de Jing'an District,Fotografías antiguas de Jing'an District,Imágenes antiguas de Jing'an District,Instantáneas antiguas de Jing'an District,Panorámicas antiguas de Jing'an District,Estampas antiguas de Jing'an District