harbiy yig'ish


harbiy yig'ish

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Uzbekistán Uzbekistán > Surxondaryo Region > Termiz District > Termez
Before the revolution it was the House of officers of the Meeting. In the 20th years of the twentieth century to the inhabitants of the city are served Yuldash Akhunbabaev. In 1937 this building was attached another. All together became known as DOS (house officers of the Soviet Army), now - Zobitlar uyi.V former Officers' Assembly building after the revolution, a library, study rooms of various circles, and during the summer holidays - playground for schoolchildren.
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Типичная гузарная мечеть квартала Мир-ДустумTermiz daryo portiСардоба в окрестности караван-сарая Рабати-МаликЧирчик. Гостиница в соцгородеУзбекский государственный академический театр драмы имени Хамзы

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Harbiy to'plam. jamoatdan viewharbiy uchrashuvda cherkovining qo'ng'iroq minorasi dan ViewTermiz kiriting ibodatxonasiХрам Александра Невского без куполов и колокольни2-я православная церковь в Термезе в честь Александра НевскогоТиповой военный храм во имя Святого благоверного князя Александра НевскогоShaytonSurxondaryodagi Sovetlarning kuchi uchun janglar qahramonlariga haykal. Ommaviy qabr

Foto publicada el
 17 de julio de 2019 a las 09:17

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