Кречетниковский переулок


Кречетниковский переулок

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Russie Russie > Moscow > Arbat District
Krechetnikovsky lane on the angle portion Borisoglebskii lane street to Tchaikovsky. (In November 1962 all the houses in this area have been demolished) .Sprava first house (partially visible) - number 2 (the former estate of merchant Kharuzin MN) in 2 floors. Strongly iznoshen.Dalee - house nº 4 2 floor and in the same ownership (belonged Khomiakov DA 1914 YG) house 2 and a half floors with greatly protruding toward the street roof. Apartment house built in the style of "Italian Renaissance" (ownership 125) .Sleva partially visible house number 1 on Krechetnikovskomu pereulku.Primechanie PV Sytin (1963)
Commentaires (1)


klav_44 30/08/2020 21:12

Вау, я не помню, чтобы это было так.

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Photo publiée sur
 30/12/2019 11:08

© PV Sytin
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Vieilles photos d'Arbat District,Photographies anciennes d'Arbat District,Vieilles images d'Arbat District,Vieux clichés d'Arbat District,Anciennes vues panoramiques d'Arbat District,Anciennes gravures d'Arbat District