Žamberk, židovský hřbitov. Нřbitov před opravou


Žamberk, židovský hřbitov. Нřbitov před opravou

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République Tchèque République Tchèque > Northeast > Pardubický kraj > Žamberk
Tombstones are erected. The enclosure wall is repaired. maintained. The cemetery fell into disrepair after World War II. From the 90s of the 20th century, tombstones were gradually erected and the enclosure wall was repaired. The Jewish cemetery was probably founded in the first half of the 17th century. It was situated outside the city and was later expanded several times. Approximately 30 tombstones are preserved in the cemetery area, the oldest of which is from 1731. The stone steles of the tombstones have rich symbolism characteristic of the East Bohemian region. In the years 1931 – 1932, the factory owner Josef Nettl had a new ceremonial hall built, which has housed a permanent exhibition about the life of the Jewish community in Žamberk since 2016. During World War II, the majority of Jews from Žamberk and the surrounding area perished in Nazi extermination raids.
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masa_calabasa 11/09/2023 07:05


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Photo publiée sur
 15/06/2023 09:44

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