View of the central part of the city and the government building, bird's-eye view


View of the central part of the city and the government building, bird's-eye view

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Moldavie Moldavie > Transnistria > Tiraspol City Council
View of the central part of the city and the government building, bird's-eye view. Moldova, Transnistria (territorial dispute), Tiraspol, 1997
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Photo publiée sur
 23/10/2020 19:58

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Vieilles photos de Tiraspol City Council,Photographies anciennes de Tiraspol City Council,Vieilles images de Tiraspol City Council,Vieux clichés de Tiraspol City Council,Anciennes vues panoramiques de Tiraspol City Council,Anciennes gravures de Tiraspol City Council