Вид на Масандрівський парк і готель "Массандра"


Вид на Масандрівський парк і готель

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Ukraine Ukraine
Away from urban noise and bustle offers the Massandra Hotel, located in a quiet and extraordinarily picturesque Massandrovsky Park. Sea, unique at any time of the year, silence and peace of the old (19 century) Park, beauty and grace located nearby the temple of St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker, - everything here has to rest and rapid recovery. The hotel, built in 1958, quickly became a venue of the travelers who came to the Crimea, who did not like the noisy rest in Yalta. Nowadays, this is a well-known hotel with excellent infrastructure and existing service traditions. Guests are placed in rooms of various categories.
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Місхор. Санаторій Suuk-suновий СімеїзЗинджирли медресеПушкіна

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Photo publiée sur
 30/04/2021 04:46

© R. Yakimenko
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