Třemešná, kostel sv. Šebestiána


Třemešná, kostel sv. Šebestiána

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République Tchèque République Tchèque > Moravia-Silesia > okres Bruntál > Třemešná
The reconstruction has a new roof, tower, Sanctus and outbuildings copper. Tower, frontage and a large annex on the right side have the façade corrected, the rest of construction is slightly damaged plaster (around a portion of the right wall of the ship is built scaffold begins to repair facades). Around the church is newly done drainage. Land and the Church belongs to the church in 2020 will go to repairing facades and windows of the church 700.000, - CZK from grant programs of the Ministry of Culture ČR.V Currently, the church is in a state of repair.
Commentaires (2)


zuzzzy33 15/05/2020 15:03

Who's coming with me there?


kazi_ksi 28/07/2020 15:21

Vzhledem k tomu, fotek takhle mám rád tento web

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Photo publiée sur
 23/04/2019 07:26

© Inconnu
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