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Pologne Pologne > Lublin Voivodeship > Zamość
View of the northern part of the Old Town from the observation deck of the Town Hall tower in Zamosc. Zamo --ć - Zamość, a city in the Lublin Voivodeship of Poland, is located in the south-east of the country, 75 km from Lublin and 50 km from the border with Ukraine, on the Warsaw-Lublin-Lviv motorway.
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Photo publiée sur
 28/04/2018 00:03

© Semenov S.M.
Tous droits réservés

Image utilisée dans les conditions de "Fair Use

Vieilles photos de Zamość,Photographies anciennes de Zamość,Vieilles images de Zamość,Vieux clichés de Zamość,Anciennes vues panoramiques de Zamość,Anciennes gravures de Zamość