Pompey's Pillar and the surrounding area


Pompey's Pillar and the surrounding area

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Égypte Égypte > Alexandria Governorate > Alexandria
Pompey's Pillar and the surrounding area. Egypt, Alexandria Governorate, 1870s
Commentaires (1)


belen_cita 16/04/2020 21:54

Please, go up over this area

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207 clichés

The shore of the Red Sea, HurghadaRivoli CinemaSphinx: Giza, Egyptأبو الهول. Sphinx. Sphinx. 1850 YearPort Said

Photos des environs

Pompey's PillarPompey's PillarSmall sphinx and broken statuesPompey's Pillar (II)Pompey's Pillar (I)La colonne PompéeRue Chérif PachaLa Place des Consuls (II)لإسكندريةU.A.R. Egypt. Alexandria. Ahmed Oraby Square. Ibrahim Pasha monument

Photo publiée sur
 27/10/2019 21:11

© F. Bonfils
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Vieilles photos d'Alexandria,Photographies anciennes d'Alexandria,Vieilles images d'Alexandria,Vieux clichés d'Alexandria,Anciennes vues panoramiques d'Alexandria,Anciennes gravures d'Alexandria