өту Sayqal жоғарғы жетеді «қытай»


өту Sayqal жоғарғы жетеді «қытай»

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Kazakhstan Kazakhstan > Almaty Region > Райымбекский район
View to the head of Saikal valley from a ridge (about 13,500 ft.) In the eastern Bayumkol glacier.First chain: bordering the Bayumkol glacier to the east. Second chain: encircling the head of Saikal valley. Third chain: main watershed.Volny translation: on the upper reaches of the valley Sayqal view from the ridge (about 4100 m.) On the glacier East Bayankol.Pervaya chain: bordered on the east by the glacier Bayankol. The second chain: Sayqal surrounds the upper reaches of the valley. The third chain: the main vodorazdel.Snimok campaign made in the area of so-called Pass "Kitaysky "(in the northern part of the meridian of the ridge) towards the upper reaches of the Sayqal Valley (Sayqal on GSH - or Merzbacher or military surveyors made a mistake, but in general the Chinese probably at its called :) View east along the continuation of the ridge Sarydzhaz to China first.
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Photo publiée sur
 24/10/2017 23:03

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