Універмаг "Сорабкоп"



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Ukraine Ukraine > Київська міська громада > Pecherskyi district > Бессарабка
House nº 2 (according to Kreschatiku war had numbering nº 31). Before the revolution, it was located here are known throughout the Kiev company store "Torgovy house Carl Lyudmer and Sons "(sons - Isaac, Moritz and Nathan) At the beginning of the century the building was rebuilt and June 7, 1904 opened a new store newspaper" Kyiv Post "wrote.". Do not know what the company "Trading house Lyudmer and sons" - it is a sin "to buy" overseas coat"," overseas dress. "- there is no need to go to Paris, London, Vienna or Berlin, the" Lyudmera "has all the news in Paris , London, Vienna and Berlin. But that's not all. The firm begins to produce such fine on a style and quality of the dress fabric, they are difficult to distinguish from the products of foreign proizodstva. "Coat of Lyudmera", "suit Lyudmera", "dress. Lyudmera "- is the same as the" overseas".
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Photo publiée sur
 19/04/2018 11:04

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