Das königliche Schauspielhaus am Gendarmenmarkt von Nordosten


Das königliche Schauspielhaus am Gendarmenmarkt von Nordosten

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Allemagne Allemagne > Berlin
In the development of the Friedrich III. Located Friedrichstadt are released on the grounds in front of the fortress three carts for a baroque space, from which the main square of the new district is finally emerged. Since the 1730s, its appearance has been impaired by stables and waking buildings for the Gensd 'low-arms. In 1773, King Frederick II. After relocating the rider regiment, the stables are torn down, and Johann Boumann d.Ä. built the French comedy house on the middle bare in 1774. The building is laid down in 1802 and replaced by a new building by Carl Gotthard Langhans. After this was destroyed by fire in 1817, 1818-20 was built in his place after designs Karl Friedrich Schinkels. Between 1883 and 1884 there was a conversion of the now dilapidated building, in which the entire stage technology is modernized and the facades are covered with sandstone. After severe war damage, the building was reconstructed from 1979 and reopened as a concert hall in 1984.
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596 clichés

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Photos des environs

Das königliche Schauspielhaus am Gendarmenmarkt von NordostenFranzösischer DomKönigliches SchauspielhausRuine des Schauspielhauses am GendarmenmarktPreußische Seehandlung: Jägerstraße 21SchauspielhausJägerstraße 55-56Französischer DomJägerstraße. Akademie der Wissenschften der DDRFranzösischer Dom

Photo publiée sur
 11/10/2022 07:42

© Friedrich Albert Schwartz
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